BrochureBank allows you to select and order brochures from a range of United Kingdom travel companies. Brochures (a maximum of 10) will be mailed to you the following working day by 2nd class post (subject to availability).
Why can I only order a maximum of 10 brochures per visit to BrochureBank?
BrochureBank has been designed to ensure you get the right brochures to arrange your holiday/travel. We are confident the selection will give you the information you need but it has been restricted to 10 brochures to avoid unnecessary wastage.
Can I book a holiday or other travel products through BrochureBank?
It is not possible to book a holiday via BrochureBank. Most tour operators participating in BrochureBank sell their products primarily through travel agents, but some do take bookings directly. This is indicated in their brochures.
I live outside the UK. Why can't I order brochures?
With very few exceptions, all companies participating in BrochureBank sell products that originate or depart from the UK or the Irish Republic and are not appropriate for overseas residents.
I am a tour operator and would like my brochures listed on BrochureBank. What should I do?
For more information about listing your brochures on BrochureBank contact our Sales Department on 01233 515053 or e-mail info@brochurebank.co.uk.